Learn how to develop confidence, patricularly in difficult or stressful situations. Discover how to respectfully say ‘no’ and have more successful communication interactions in the workplace as well as in your personal life.
Coaching & Mentoring
Become a more effective coach or mentor. Think about the enormous benefits of being coached or mentored yourself. Discover the enriching experience coaching and mentoring can bring to all aspects of your life.
Communication Skills
You know you can talk, but can you communicate effectively? Discover powerful techniques that will show you how to be a more effective communicator with internal and external customers and with your family and friends.
Conflict Management
Develop the practical tools that will enable you to handle conflicts with more confidence. Don’t go home thinking about what you wish you had said! Learn what to say, how to say it and when to say it!
Customer Experience
Providing an exceptional Customer Experience is one of the most powerful tools we have in business tody. Consistent and enduring customer service begins with the internal customer. Learn how to get the balance right and ultimately your customers will not only benefit, they will keep coming back for more!
Effective People Skills
Develop and polish your people skills by becoming a better communicator, handle difficult people and difficult situations with confidence.
Front Line Management
Customers are at the front line of your business. The people who are managing your frontline staff need to be effectively managed to make those customers not only come back but become advocates for your business as well. We can offer cost-effective, accredited Frontline Manager programs that are tailored to your business. Don’t wait a minute longer!
How to ‘Work a Room’ (Networking)
The road to success in business is to have the ability and confidence to Network effectively even when you’re not on the golf course! Learn and practice practical tools for networking in a fun environment.
Industrial Relations & Workplace OHS
Ensuring legal compliance with Workplace OHS and promoting a safe working environment are the responsibility of all employees in today’s working environment. Discover and manage the essentials of what you need to know.
Interviewing Techniques
Effective interviewing techniques can be used in many different business situations. Learn and practice how to perform at your best, either as an interviewer or interviewee.
Leadership Development
Are effective leaders born? We don’t believe so. Certainly some leaders will find the leadership experience easier than others. However, you can learn the essential techniques and skills that help you become an effective, inspiring leader. Remember, Leadership is not a job title!
Meetings Management
“Meetings Bloody Meetings!” as John Cleese famously said. Don’t allow meetings to run your business time. Using the 'Bank of Trust', take control and win back precious time as well as enjoy productive, measurable outcomes.
Can one person motivate another? We can discover how to provide a motivating ‘Above the Line’ environment where employees are inspired to motivate themselves. A win:win!
Negotiation Skills
Negotiate for success! Develop the 5 steps to successfully manage the negotiation process from start to finish. Choose the appropriate tactic and practice those skills in a safe environment.
Organisational & Culture Change
Successful organisational and culture change needs to be carefully planned with the strategic changes firmly aligned to organisational goals and values. Commitment and involvement of staff are essential ingredients. Our in-house experts can show you how to navigate through this potential minefield to achieve the results you, your team and your organisation desire.
Performance Management
Despite their reputation, Performance Reviews can be a positive and very rewarding experience that can ultimately lead to increased job satisfaction for both the reviewee and the reviewer. Learn how to performance manage confidently and give and receive feedback successfully.
Personality Profiling
Using Des Hunt’s very well-respected ‘What Makes People Tick?’ model, learn to understand yourself and others better to enhance your communication style in any situation. This model is user-friendly and easy for anyone to use. Tanya Perry and Associates recommends it as their preferred profiling tool.
Presentation Skills
No more boring business presentations – please! Professional does not have to equal boring. Learn the key principles, useful tips and discover how to 'WOW!' your audience!
Problem solving and Decision Making
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you have to come up with all of the answers. Encourage and harness the creative ideas and energy of your team. Then learn how to make effective decisions that reflect the organisational goals.
Project Management
Some say everything is a project, even life! As an effective manager you need to be able to effectively manage and lead projects. Learn how to manage the 4 phases of a project life-cycle. Understand your role and responsibilities to bring your project to a successful and rewarding conclusion.
Public Speaking
Speaking in public is one of the greatest human fears. Yet, it doesn’t need to be! We can teach you principles to follow that will help you relax and become a dynamic, memorable public speaker who knows how to hold an audience in the palm of their hand.
Strategic Planning
‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail’ is an old cliché that still holds water. Strategic planning is how to keep your business or department moving forward, ever closer to your organisational goals. Experience practical, dynamic strategic planning with our experts and you will never look back.
Stress Management
Believe it or not, a certain level of stress is necessary in our lives. However, when too much stress becomes distress, then we have a real problem to address. Learn effective techniques to defuse this type of stress and get a helpful balance back in your life.
Supervisory Development
Effective supervisors need a wide range of skills in today’s high performance environment. Learn how to develop your skills as a supervisor to ultimately lead to increased confidence in your own and your team's performance.
Team development / Teamwork
Expectations of teams are ever-increasing. Discover how to promote high performance teamwork so that you and your team are operating consistently in an ‘Above The Line’, high energy environment.
Time Management
Don’t let your precious time slip through your fingers. Follow our 6 key strategies, plus tips and techniques to become an effective Time Manager and enjoy the benefits for you and your team.
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management requires continuous improvement with the organisation, including examining our services, products, processes and people. Learn how to do this effectively for your team, your department and the organisation.
Train the Trainer
Discover from our very experienced experts how to become an effective, memorable and motivating trainer who knows how to get their message across to any audience, large or small.
Training & Development
It is proven that effective staff training and development is an investment no organisation can afford to avoid. Discuss your training needs with Tanya Perry & Associates and we will be delighted to conduct a Training Needs Analysis on your team or business.
Training Needs Analysis
Learn how to effectively analyse training needs, always with an eye on the bottom line, from consultants who have been practicing what they preach for many years!
Work-Life Balance
Myth or possibility? We believe possibility and we have the tools and ideas to show you how! Take charge of your environment so that you, your family, your colleagues and your customers benefit.
Customised programs for you
We specialise in tailor-made programs and courses for our clients. Get in touch with us today via our contacts page or call Tanya on +61413 819 219 for more exciting options.
Please contact us if accreditation is an option your organisation would be interested in pursuing.